So your child thinks they’ve caught autism.

THIS ARTICLE IS A PARODY !— saying so kinda ruins it, but them’s the rules. Screenshot of the email I recieved is at the bottom of this page.

Emma Barnes
2 min readOct 12, 2022

They’re 20 years old for pete’s sake. You’d all have noticed by now. It’s like when the other one thought they were trans. It only took one serious talk with them to shut that down.

Now they’re coming RIGHT AT YOU, asking for “acknowledgement”. Seeking more of your hard earned dollars, is more like it. As if you didn’t stretch yourself ragged to ready them for 40 years of the labour force with the discipline you had to learn in the coal mines. They’re out to blame THEIR failure on a real condition which makes life hell for millions of parents. I mean, they’re always bleating about “cultural appropriation” and don’t think twice about appropriating from long-suffering parents of actually retarded kids.

You had to. Why shouldn’t they?

Have they no shame?

There’s only one thing to do. Cut them off. If they’re still in your basement at 20, eating avocado toast of a Saturday morning instead of getting a labouring job to pay for rent, just “yeet” them. Hahaha sozlol. They have another made up condition to excuse them from physical labour — “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. Chronic Complaint Syndrome is more like it. If they just spent a year in the army their whining would shoosh like a suffocated baby. And that’s exactly what they’ll have to do if you kick them out.

The day you take seriously your kid’s bullshit “experience” is the day the transgendereds drag us all to hell.



Emma Barnes

Autistic, trans, survivor, abolitionist @friedkrill on Twitstagram